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Handling Physical Distancing During Pandemic

Ever since COVID-19 began to implement strict limitations on social gatherings, the new trends of physical distancing are in full effect all over the world. The pandemic has resulted in constant modifications to social behavior.

Medical experts are educating us through various posts and videos to spread the word out on how to handle oneself and our loved ones during this pandemic. COVID- 19, which changed the whole world inside out and has brought upon us a new world, a new normal with its own do's and don'ts. With worldwide millions being affected both acute as well as asymptotically. People across continents are talking about what safety measures can be taken as an individual and how to ensure that we are safe from the proximity of an infection?

The answer to this is, we are never totally safe, as it depends on the coordination amongst us all. Being a historic year of remembrance, 2020, has not only brought upon us a new way of living our lives, taking business forward and getting into shape with the #newnormal that is bestowed upon us. It has also brought some new words to ponder upon after demonetization, the words being physical distancing and lockdown; turning out to be the most heard and used words in the year 2020 as per reports and analysis.

Being stagnant at a place causes a lack of physical activity, along with other health issues and complaints from most of us have all contributed to increased stress and anxiety levels among the people. Maintaining a conventional routine, for self-grooming and self-care is among the important tips to help people stay safe while practicing physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

As it is mentioned by doctors that physical distancing is the only way to prevent yourselves from being prone to infection. The concept of physical distancing still seems unclear amongst most. The best example to support this would be when we look at people in public places, there is a lot of restlessness, pushing them to break the physical distancing norms. Thus, each individual needs to judiciously follow these norms when they step out of their houses, for themselves and the entire community/neighborhood. The existential fact which we know for sure is that we don’t know whether the person right next to us is a potential carrier or has been in the proximity of one. Hence, the only way out of this is to be responsible and take control of our actions and activities.

On the other hand, many of us are now getting used to staying distanced, staying home, and staying in. The risk of this novel pandemic still prevails. Until we have a solution, a vaccine in hand, we are going to see requests from our medical experts to obey social distancing principles and use personal protective measures like masks and hand washing regularly. It has changed our social behavior and it will continue to change our social life as communities find ways to interact safely. These new social measures can feel incredibly stiff at this time, but you are not alone in feeling that way about them. Where our nation stands, or even the whole world, with the economy at a critical point a complete lockdown is not an option anymore, also given the surge in active cases and total cases of COVID-19 affected people nationwide daily, the only silver lining could be that recovery rates have surpassed the active cases. Yet, every day as more and more tests are conducted there is flattened growth in affected ones.

Safety is the main subject of discussion at current times and measures that we should take to protect ourselves and others are as follows:

  • Maintain a healthy routine for oneself and family.

  • Engage yourself in physical activities like a simple workout at home or yoga sessions

  • Be socially connected through the social media with family and friends

  • Don’t isolate yourself as it can cause anxiety and irritability and harm you in the long run

We have gizmo ways than ever before to keep socially connected with colleagues, friends, and family members. Unlike the previous pandemics, we need to utilize these social tools to ensure the connections that physical isolation doesn’t result in psychological or social isolation.

During these testing times, it’s important to stay connected with people be it your friends or family, or even a next-door neighbor, everyone matters as we are all a part of the same society. It keeps us feeling like we’re all a part of the same world and are all together despite being distanced geographically. Psychologists refer to this situation as “in-group” versus “out-group” bias. When we feel like we’re all in this together, we don’t segregate out others. And during a pandemic, we can all be a part of the in-group, because all of us are at high risk not only of getting the COVID-19 disease but also of transmitting it to others.

Every negative aspect, be it a pandemic or anything else can have at least a small silver lining. We are all pulling together to fight the invisible enemy, rallying our resources around our most susceptive citizens (medical experts, nursing staff, workers, co-workers, and frontline healthcare workers and first responders), and ensuring everyone has the supplies they need to get through this tough time.

Like never before, we have multiple ways of connecting with others socially without having to be anywhere near them physically. Social networks, video conferencing, podcasts, live streams, texting, and emails there are many ways to stay connected with your loved ones. Everybody can be easily be connected to one another.

Staying connected is also an important part of our mental health. Human beings are social animals. During the pandemic, when everything has changed entirely, social interaction is at our rescue as there are different ways and channels to do so. Starting from watching a TV show together, playing games together online or Watching cricket matches online or just checking in on your loved ones.

It’s just about physical distancing, not mentally disconnecting or self-isolating. Keep socially connected and it will help with your overall outlook and mental health.

Stress on safety is omnipresent as of now, but the solution is also within and all it takes is to be out of it is by being responsible, act wise and take responsibility in terms of not being a potential carrier and keeping in touch but still maintaining the minimal required physical distancing to help one and all.

It is pretty normal to have questions and doubts coming in your thoughts like:

  • Is it safe to spend time outdoors?

  • Is it safe to eat out or go to a restaurant?

  • Is it safe to ride on public transportation?

  • Is it safe to go to the movies and concerts?

  • Is it safe to go back to work during the pandemic?

We, at Tuck Stand are always there to answer all your queries. Contact us at any time in the day and you will get all our queries answered along with many other possibilities.

To sum up, all that can be said is to stay safe, aware, and responsible.


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